The CBSF-75-Basic is a hand-held measuring device for a simplified measuring method for checking transient and quasistatic forces and pressures on collaborating robots.In any human-robot collaboration (HRC) without separating protective equipment,collisions between humans and robots cannot be completely ruled out. The permissible limit values for force and pressure in accordance with ISO/TS 15066 must be observed as they ensure the safe operation of HRC work places. The CBSF-75-Basic is a force transducer,which in combination with the pressure measurement set CoboSafe-Scan employs a simplified measuring procedure. Here a measuring device is used with only one spring constant which determines the existing collision forces and pressures for different body zones. The system addresses applications that do not primarily work speed-orientated,and is sufficient for a range of different applications. For more detailed measurements,CBSF instruments are required.