Exhibitor : Magenta robotics

New product



Brand : Magenta Robotics Model : GT3 PAINTER

2023-10-06 09:29:50


Product Information

Magenta robotics

CEO : Kwon, ki Hyun

Phone Number : 0504-3105-4199

Address : Building #13-705, 218, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Republic of Korea

Homepage : www.ff00ff.kr

About Us

The company creates human value through robot technology.
We are an IT specialized company leading new technology facing industrial changes with innovation and future values. With the pride of leading domestic robot industries and creating customer values, we are going to be a hidden-champion in the fields of robot control and image recognition.

Main product : MAVIX(High quality video processing platform), MAVIZ(Robot inergrated control software platform),
AI-PRO(Painting robot system using ai technology)

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