Gecko SP5

Robotic Parts

Brand : AUTOCONSYSTEM Co.,Ltd. Model : Gecko SP5


Product Information


CEO : JangCheol Park

Phone Number : 0504-3105-7322

Address : 1-1501~5, 2-512, Ace-Dongbaek TW, 16-4, 16Beon-gil, Dongbaekjungang-ro, Gihueng-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Homepage : www.autoconsystem.co.kr

About Us

Founded in January 2003, we are a "Process Automation" specialized company. In particular, we are equipped with the sophisticated industrial knowledge accumulated in the automatic control system of designing glass(Glass furnace, forehearth), semiconductor equipment(Vertical furnace, Temperatrue Control), steel(Blast Furnace), water treatement, Dynamo(Axle, T/M), Textile, Utility facilities, etc. All of our executives and employees, with their thorough craftsmanship and professinoal customer service, prioritize building solid trust with our customers. Furthermore, we pride on durable system and reliable staff members capable of timely supply(Eurotherm, AE, Pilz, Osensa, Control Techniques, Universal Robots, OnRobot, Siemens, AB, LSIS) and commission to meet the customers' diverse needs. We strive to maximize customer value through stable delivery and management system. Meet the auto-con system that provides the best products and technical services.