Exhibitor : Thomas Cable

Clean Room Moving Cable

Robotic Parts

Brand : (주)토마스케이블 Model : -


Product Information

테스트 장비
디스플레이 장비
태양광 패널
의료기기 및 장비

Thomas Cable

CEO : Hojun Sung

Phone Number : 0504-3105-7411

Address : 28127 206 Yeocheon 3-gil, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

Homepage : www.thomas.co.kr

About Us

Moving Together Towards Future
A leader in total cables going to a new future together
Pioneer in domestic supply of industrial cables
Customer trust with 30 years of history
Proven quality
Reasonable price
Provide customized service